<artwork />   <projects />   <rhetoric />   <snippets />

diastelo.org is a personal site, chock full of content both good and bad. This isn't about my ego, but I admit, I do get a warm fuzzy feeling inside when people email me or I get compliments. I've owned this domain for just over a year now and I'm pretty happy with it. At the same time, I also went the extra mile and got professional hosting. I will never look back. The world of CGI, PHP, and SQL is mine to command! (Whenever I get around to learning any of it, that is...) I highly recommend my own host, The Burgh Live. It's a smaller operation, decently priced, and the customer service is top notch.

Content is 100% me, unless I mention otherwise. The dogcow, for example, is Apple's creation, not mine. My friend Katie, over at bewareofninja.com, helps me out by telling me when my color choices are absolutely atrocious or when my layout makes Internet Explorer cry. In return, I help her with HTML and CSS code, because sometimes you just can't get that layout exactly right.

The site is really broken up into four main categories: Artwork, Projects, Rhetoric, and Snippets. If you can't find a page, consult the holy site map. I update it regularly to include new pages, and I have included a few brief descriptions to make the divisions between the sections clear. Whenever something I put on the site potentially can be listed in multiple categories, I will list the entry in each relevant section and store the files where I feel they best belong.

Disclaimer: I haven't used Windows at all for the past 3 years, running Linux and Mac OS X instead. I make no claim that my website will appear correctly in Internet Explorer or other Windows only browsers. To the best of my knowledge, my CSS is correct and validates, so I would put the blame on your browser if you run into any problems. However, I do make mistakes, so make sure to let me know if something isn't working. The latest version of Internet Explorer does a passable job of handling most of the CSS I throw at it, but I test my pages first with either Mac OS X's Safari browser or Mozilla Firefox. Firefox, in particular, supports multiple operating systems, so that's probably the best bet for cross platform compatibility these days.

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